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±Û¾´ÀÌ: e10000 [sun]E10000¸Å´º¾ó Á¶È¸¼ö: 8143


Term/Cmd/Pkg Description Command / File
SUNWsspdf System Service Processor Data Files
SUNWsspdo System Service Processor Domain Utilities
SUNWsspdr System Service Processor Dynamic Reconfiguration Utilities
SUNWsspfp System Service Processor Flash Prom Image
SUNWsspid System Service Processor Inter-Domain Networking
SUNWsspmn System Service Processor On-Line Manual Pages
SUNWsspob System Service Processor Open Boot Prom Utilities
SUNWsspop System Service Processor Core Utilities
SUNWssppo System Service Processor POST Utilities
SUNWsspr System Service Processor, (Root)
SUNWsspst System Service Processor Scan Tests
SUNWsspue System Service Processor User Environment
SUNWuessp Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.3 Collection

SSP System service processor
ssphostname Domain file contains name of ssp domain::/etc/ssphostname
SUNW_HOSTNAME Env variable set to the name of domain ssp% echo $SUNW_HOSTNAME (changed using domain_switch)
PATH SSP 3.1 PATH variable ssp% setenv PATH ${PATH}:/opt/SUNWssp/bin
SSPETC SSP configuration directory SSPETC=/etc/opt/SUNWssp
SSPLOGGER $SSPVAR/adm dir with domain msgs file SSPLOGGER=/var/opt/SUNWssp/adm
SSPOPT SSP bin/lib/man directory SSPOPT=/opt/SUNWssp
SSPVAR SSP log directory SSPVAR=/var/opt/SUNWssp
messages SSP-resident system messages file /var/adm/messages
messages SSP-resident ssp messages file $SSPVAR/adm/messages
messages SSP-resident domain messages file $SSPVAR/adm/domain name/messages
messages SSP-resident domain POST log dir. $SSPVAR/adm/domain name/post/
ssp_startup Invoke SSP daemons $SSPETC/ssp_startup.main Env file used when invoking SSP daemons $SSPETC/
domain_config Description of configured domains $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/domain_config
netcon logging Enable netcon logging in syslog.conf local1.debug /var/opt/SUNWssp/.ssp_private/machine_server_fifo
edd config Event monitor configuration file $SSPVAR/etc/platform_name/edd.emc
edd config Event response configuration file $SSPVAR/etc/platform_name/edd.erc
cbs config E10000 JTAG scan database directory $SSPVAR/data/Ultra-Enterprise-10000/
cbs config Control board configuration file $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/cb_config
cbs config Description of configured domains $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/domain_config
snmpd config SNMP configuration file $SSPETC/snmp/agt/Ultra-Enterprise-10000.snmpd.cnf
snmpd config SNMP E10000 definition MIB file $SSPETC/snmp/Ultra-Enterprise-10000.mib
snmpd config SNMP E10000 MIB data file $SSPETC/snmp/Ultra-Enterprise-10000.dat
fad config SSP configuration file list $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/fad_files
straps config Stream socket device file $SSPETC/snmp/straps
thermcal conf Thermcal data file $SSPVAR/etc/platform name/cbobjs/thermcaldata.tcl
eeprom.image Eeprom image file (IDPROM) for domain $SSPVAR/etc/platform/domain name/eeprom.image
eeprom.image Eeprom image save directory $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/eeprom_save/
postrc Hpost properties file See 2 items below that follow
hpost config User's default POST configuration file $HOME/.postrc
hpost config Hostname-specific POST config file $SSPVAR/etc/platform_name/domain name/.postrc
hpost config Hpost default log file $SSPVAR/adm/domain name/post/postmmdd.hhmm.log
blacklist System resources not to be booted $SSPVAR/etc/platform_name/blacklist
redlist System resources not to be touched $SSPVAR/etc/platform_name/redlist
ssp_resource SSP processes resource file $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/ssp_resource
cb_config List of machines managed by the SSP $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/cb_config
ssp_to_domain_hosts Hostname/domainname file $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/ssp_to_domain_hosts
hostname.idnX IDN network interface file domain::/etc/hostname.idn0

dr-max-mem OBP: DR service switch (0=off,1=on) ok set dr-max-mem 1
idn-smr-size OBP: IDN shared memory region(SMR) size ok set idn-smr-size 32 (size in MB)

edd Event detector daemon ssp% ps -ef | grep edd (1 per ssp)
cbs Control board server (JTAG, JTAG lockmgr)ssp% ps -ef | grep cbs (1 per ssp)
snmpd SNMP proxy agent for Enterprise 10000 ssp% ps -ef | grep snmpd (1 per ssp)
machine_server Multi-purpose svr netcon/snmpd/errormsgs ssp% ps -ef | grep machine_server (1 per ssp)
fad File access daemon to lock SSP configs ssp% ps -ef | grep fad (1 per ssp)
straps SNMP trap sink server ssp% ps -ef | grep straps (1 per ssp)
obp_helper Network console server daemon ssp% ps -ef | grep netcon_server (1 for each domain)
netcon-server Downloads OBP to domain system memory ssp% ps -ef | grep obp_helper (1 for each domain)

hostview SSP/E10000 system monitor GUI ssp% hostview &
netcon Connect to domain network console ssp% domain_switch y2kdom1-0 ; netcon (in a tip shell)
netcontool GUI : Connect to domain network console ssp% domain_switch y2kdom1-0 ; netcontool &
domain_switch Switch to an E10000 domain ssp% domain_switch y2kdom1-0
domain_status Status of all E10000 domains ssp% domain_status
domain_history History of domains that existed/removed ssp% domain_history
domain_create Create an E10000 domain ssp% domain_create -d y2kdom1-0 -b 0,2,4,10 -o 2.6 -p y2klab
domain_remove Remove an E10000 domain ssp% domain_remove -d y2kdom1-0
domain_rename Rename an existing domain ssp% domain_rename -d y2kdom1-0 -n y2kdoma-0
domain_link Link domains to create an IDN ssp% domain_link y2kdom1 y2kdom2
domain_unlink Unlink domain(s) from an IDN ssp% domain_unlink y2kdom1
ssp_config Configure SSP control boards ssp% ssp_config
ssp_config Configure SSP spare as primary ssp% ssp_config spare
ssp_unconfig Deconfigure the SSP ssp% ssp_unconfig
ssp_backup Back up the SSP environment ssp% ssp_backup /tmp
ssp_restore Restore the SSP environment ssp% ssp_restore /tmp/ssp_backup.cpio
cb_reset Reset and reboot hung control board ssp% cb_reset -v
dr ** DR requirements on a domain dom% add_drv dr ; modload /platform/sun4u1/kernel/drv/dr
dr Dynamic Reconfiguration CLI shell ssp% dr
dr - drshow Display DR & board resources dr> drshow 10 mem
dr - attach Attach a system board to a domain dr> init_attach 10
dr - detach Complete a attach of a brd after an init dr> complete_attach 10
dr - drain Start memory drain for a DR detach dr> drain 10 wait
dr - detach Complete a detach of a brd after a drain dr> complete_detach 10
dr - abort Abort an in-progress attach operation dr> abort_attach 10
dr - abort Abort an in-progress detach operation dr> abort_detach 10

These 4 commands are available in SSP 3.3 only.
addboard Attach a board to a Domain ssp% addboard -b 10 -d acb-dom6-p -r 2
deleteboard Detach a board from a Domain ssp% deleteboard -b 10 -r 2
moveboard Detach a board & attach to new domain ssp% moveboard -b 2 -d acb-dom6-p -r 2 -t 900
showusage Display DR & board resource information ssp% showusage -b 12 -r CPU -r IO

thermcal Create SSP thermistor calibration file ssp% thermcal_config
sigbcmd Send commands from SSP to domain ssp% sigbcmd -p 4 obp (Make target domain enter OBP)
power Control power to entire E10000 ssp% power -B -off
power Control power to system boards ssp% power -on -sb 0 2 4 10
power Control power to system boards ssp% power -off -sb 0 2 4 10
power Power off Power Supply 7 ssp% power -ps 7 -off
fan Turn off fan tray at slot 10 ssp% fan -t 10 -p off
bringup Configure & boot the domain ssp% bringup -A on
bringup Configure & boot the domain (fast hpost) ssp% bringup -Q -A on
hpost Provide a terse listing of POST levels ssp% hpost -?level
sys_id Configure system ID in SSP domain IDPROM ssp% sys_id -k key -s serial# -h hostid
sys_id Display system ID in SSP domain IDPROM ssp% domain_switch y2kdom1-0 ; sys_id -d
check_host Determine whether the domain is up ssp% domain_switch y2kdom1-0 ; check_host
hostinfo List E10000 info fans/power/procs/temp ssp% hostinfo -F
hostint Interrupt processor, dump kernel core ssp% domain_switch y2kdom1-0 ; hostint
hostreset Rest a hung domain ssp% domain_switch y2kdom1-0 ; hostreset
hpost Control and sequence POST through JTAG ssp% domain_switch y2kdom1-0 ; hpost

redx Diagnose Edd-Record-Stop-Dump file ssp% cd $SSPVAR/adm/(domain) ; redx -l
REDX will open a new window REDX EXAMPLE

SSP Version 3.4 Processes / Commands SSP 3.4 Install

fod failover daemon ssp% ps -ef | grep fod (1 per ssp)
datasyncd Data synchronization daemon ssp% ps -ef | grep datasyncd

SSP Failover Disable SSP failover ssp% setfailover off
SSP Failover Enable SSP failover ssp% setfailover on
SSP Failover display failover status information. ssp% showfailover
SSP Failover Display current SSP role in Failover ssp% showfailover -r [either show UNKNOWN,MAIN,SPARE]
SSP Failover Force SSP Failover ssp% setfailover force
SSP Failover Modify the Memory/Disk Space Threshold ssp% setfailover -m memory_threshold
ssp% setfailover -d disk_space_threshold
CB Failover Disable Control Board Failover ssp% setfailover -t cb off
CB Failover Enable Control Board Failover ssp% setfailover -t cb on
CB Failover Force a Complete Control Board Failover Force_CB
CB Failover Display Control Board Status ssp% showfailover

Data Sync Add a File to the Data Propagation List ssp% setdatasync -i interval schedule filename
Data Sync Remove a File From the Propagation List ssp% setdatasync cancel filename
Data Sync Remove the Data Propagation List ssp% setdatasync clean
Data Sync Push a File to the Spare SSP ssp% setdatasync push filename
Data Sync Resynchronize SSP Configuration Files ssp% setdatasync backup
Between the Main and the Spare SSP
Data Sync Show basic status information about ssp% showdatasync
data synchronization
Data Sync Show data propagation list ssp% showdatasync -l
Data Sync shows the files queued for Sync ssp% showdatasync -Q

Command Sync Prepare a User command for Restart ssp% runcmdsync script_name [parameters]
Command Sync Create a Command Synchronization ssp% initcmdsync script_name [parameters]
Command Sync Specify a Command Synchronization ssp% savecmdsync -M identifier cmdsync_descriptor
Marker Point
Command Sync Remove a Command Synchronization ssp% cancelcmdsync cmdsync_descriptor
Command Sync Show Command Synchronization Information ssp% showcmdsync

OBP Device Tree
sys bd sysio 0 sysio 1
0 /sbus@40 /sbus@41
1 /sbus@44 /sbus@45
2 /sbus@48 /sbus@49
3 /sbus@4c /sbus@4d
4 /sbus@50 /sbus@51
5 /sbus@54 /sbus@55
6 /sbus@58 /sbus@59
7 /sbus@5c /sbus@5d
8 /sbus@60 /sbus@61
9 /sbus@64 /sbus@65
10 /sbus@68 /sbus@69
11 /sbus@6c /sbus@6d
12 /sbus@70 /sbus@71
13 /sbus@74 /sbus@75
14 /sbus@78 /sbus@79
15 /sbus@7c /sbus@7d
(i.e. /sbus@41,0/qec@1,20000/qe@3,0 : 41=sysbd0,sysio1 & qec@1=slot1)

** Also requires Patch 105181 followed by 106048

E10K Power-Down/Power-Up Sequence
A. E10K Power-down sequence
a - Login to all 5 domains and bring down gracefully :
ssp% domain_switch acb-dom1-p; netcon
acb-dom1-p# sync ; sync ; halt
b - Power off all E10K boards, fans trays, control boards, centerplane...
ssp% power -B -off
c - Wait until all of the black PS breakers have flipped off, the fans have stopped
and the control boards power down.
d - Flip off all of the white breakers for CB, CSB, FT and SB. Be sure to do this
on both sides of the machine.
e - If you have an AC sequencer for RSM trays or an external peripheral cabinet,
make sure this is turned into the off position.
f - E10K is now completely powered off. Power off all other devices.

B. E10K Power-up sequence
a - Flip on all the black breakers for your power supplies.
b - Flip on all the white circuit breakers for your FTs on both sides. You want all
of your fans to be running before continuing.
c - Next flip on the white breakers for CB/CSB on both sides.
d - Finish up by flipping on the breakers for each individual system board.
e - You can also turn on the AC sequencer at this time if you are using it to
power any storage devices.
f - After the CBs have been powered up, they will attempt to communicate with the SSP.
You must wait for the lights to start marching on the CBs and for the fans to slow down
before executing any commands on the SSP against the E10K. This takes about 3 minutes.
g - You can run the following from the ssp :
ssp% power -on -all
This will power on both CSBs and all system boards.
h - The E10K is now fully powered up. External devices can now be powered up.

Dealing with Netcon session hang
If you cannot get an OK prompt from your domain's OBP and the O/S
is definitely not running, then try the following procedures :
(Each successive to be used only if the previous one does not work)

1. Attempt to toggle/break the OBP into relinquishing control-
acb-ssp1-p% domain_switch acb-dom2-p
acb-ssp1-p:acb-dom2-p% netcon
And issue the following in the order as listed :
~? Status of netcon session
~& Acquire Locked Write permission
~* Acquire Locked Write permission
~= Toggle netcon between JTAG and ethernet connectivity
~# Send a BREAK

2. Send an interrupt to the processor, and dump kernel core:
acb-ssp1-p% domain_switch acb-dom2-p
acb-ssp1-p:acb-dom2-p% hostint

3. Send an hostreset to reset a hung domain :
acb-ssp1-p% domain_switch acb-dom2-p
acb-ssp1-p:acb-dm2-p% hostreset

4. And if all else fails, try a bringup :
acb-ssp1-p% domain_switch acb-dom2-p
acb-ssp1-p:acb-dm2-p% bringup -A off -l7
Again if the domain is hung, try 1 more hostreset:
acb-ssp1-p% domain_switch acb-dom2-p
acb-ssp1-p:acb-dm2-p% hostreset
this will in all probability bring back the domain. Once you have the OK
prompt, it is suggested to set back the OBP to factory settings:
ok printenv
ok printenv nvramrc
ok set-defaults
SUN has stated on several occassions that the OBP can get corrupted
and that this command is a good place to start. Remember to save the
settings before running a set-defaults.

°ü·Ã±Û : ¾øÀ½ ±Û¾´½Ã°£ : 2006/11/18 5:17 from

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